Descrizione: This is a short indent of a well known and loved Christmas classic that is of German origin The popular lyrics are from 1824 by Ernst Anschtz. The melody is an old folk tune Tannenbaum lyrics dating back to 1550. 104bpm

Descrizione: This is one of the most loved and widely known holiday carols composed by Frederic Austin. It is used in many countries as a standard choice for any festive celebration or Christmas theme application. It has multiple time signatures of 3/4 and 4/4 that give it a fun feel. This version is short edit in a traditional orchestral format with bells, flute, oboe, and string section. This holiday classic and other Christmas favorites are also available here by Electron Planet!

Descrizione: The Huron Carol or Twas in the Moon of Wintertime is a Canadian Christmas hymn and Canada's oldest Christmas song which was written around 1642 by Jean de Br?beuf. Here it is done in a baroque style with harp arpeggios that are syncopated with a grand piano. The melody is done by a solo flute with a second harmony dynamic accompaniment of choir and is based on a traditional French folk song. 91 bpm

Descrizione: This is an original rendition of a classic Christmas carol The lyrics are by English composer George Ratcliffe Woodward and the music is from a traditional 16th century French folk melody. Here it is done in a lively harp, piano, flute, and choir arrangement that gives it a playful and inspirational feel. The end builds up with a brisk hand percussion groove of congas and bongos. The Angels On High are partying! 148bpm

Descrizione: This is a well known and loved Christmas classic that is of German origin The best known lyrics are from 1824 by a Leipzig organist named Ernst Anschütz. The melody is an old Traditional folk tune. The first known “Tannenbaum” song lyrics date back to 1550. Strangely enough as it is there are many English lyric versions and the States of Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, and New Jersey adapted the melody to their State Songs. This arrangement is in a classical orchestra ensemble with flute, choir, harp, strings, and woodwinds that give a sweet and holy feeling. 104 bpm.

Descrizione: Carol vacanze di Natale tradizionale con uno stile semplice musicbox. Questo classico pezzo ben noto farebbe una grande scelta per le selezioni dei giovani bambini o qualsiasi progetto di vacanza. Una linea di melodia arpeggiate arpa e campana rende di avere un bambino innocente come bellezza anche per gli adulti! Modificato per looping.

Descrizione: Classico canto natalizio tradizionale vacanza fatto in uno stile semplice musicbox. Questo accogliente e affascinante pezzo farebbe una grande scelta per le selezioni dei giovani bambini o qualsiasi progetto di vacanza. Una linea di melodia sintetizzatore con arpa sottostante e arpeggi campana rende di avere un bambino innocente come bellezza anche per gli adulti! Modificato per looping.

Descrizione: A catchy and charming fantasy escape in a delightful harp arpeggio waltz with a bass string ensemble. This is an original composition in the style of classic Christmas music with a music box feel that's perfect for any holiday bed or innocent fantasy. 66 beats per minute.

Descrizione: The lyrics were written by Isaac Watts (1674-1748), also known as the "Father of English Hymnology." Watts wrote the lyrics in 1719. The melody was composed by Lowell Mason (1792-1872), a composer of church music. Here it is done in a reverent and joyous traditional format with, harp, strings, flute, and choir much the way it might have been heard 100's of years ago in a lantern lit cathedral for a Christmas Eve service..

Descrizione: Here's a popular and loved classic traditional Holiday carol written by Charles Wesley that dates back to the 1700's.This version is in chamber orchestra of harp and piano. It has a feel much like it would have been heard 100's of years ago. it would make a great choice for a reverent holiday project. Felix Mendelssohn composed a cantata in 1840 called Festgesang or "Festival Song". The melody of Mendelssohn's cantata was then used by William H. Cummings and adapted it to the lyrics of Wesley's "Hark the Herald Angels Sing".

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