Descrizione: Sound of footsteps on rustling stubble corn field. Usable for: foley. Distance: mid close. Acoustic: field

Descrizione: Sound of footsteps outdoor in shoes. Usable for: foley. Distance: mid. Acoustic: field

Descrizione: Sound of footsteps fast pavementUsable for: foleyDistance: mid closeAcoustic: field

Descrizione: Sound of footsteps throug the park - fast. Usable for: foley. Distance: mid close. Acoustic: field

Descrizione: Sound of footsteps patting on sticky mudUsable for: foleyDistance: mid closeAcoustic: field

Descrizione: Sound of footsteps in tall grass. Usable for: foley. Distance: mid close. Acoustic: field

Descrizione: Sound of footsteps of man walking by bushesUsable for: foleyDistance: midAcoustic: field

Descrizione: Sound of footsteps on brushwood. Usable for: foley. Distance: mid close. Acoustic: field

Descrizione: sound of forcing way through bushesusable in foleydistance - midacoustic - field

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