Descrizione: Stereo sound recording of a crowd or audience clapping a round of applause with a few cheers of approval.

Descrizione: Loop ready stereo sound recording of typing on a computer keyboard to write a paper, email, report, or other type of document.

Descrizione: Stereo sound recording of someone closing the cash drawer of a cash register.

Descrizione: Stereo sound recording of the cash drawer on a cash register opening with a classic "Cha Ching" sound.

Descrizione: Sound recording of a button beeping an electronic tone BEEP as someone presses it, such as on a microwave or other kitchen appliance.

Descrizione: Sound recording of an ice skating hockey player stopping hard by skidding across the ice.

Descrizione: Sound recording of someone drying their wet hands off on a towel after washing them in a sink.

Descrizione: Sound recording of someone using a shop vacuum to clean a garage, workshop, etc.

Descrizione: Loop ready stereo ambience recording of a hockey rink during practice, warm up, or open ice. Many hockey players are skating, stick handling, and shooting pucks.

Descrizione: Sound recording of someone lathering up soap between their hands or on their body as they wash themselves at a sink or are bathing in shower or bath.

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