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Description: HeatleyBros Voice Prompts sono perfetti per i Video giochi e animazioni! Luminoso e allegro voci tenere il passo con il divertimento. Nostre selezioni includono: gioco ragazza, ragazzo del gioco, gioco folla e annunciatore del gioco, molti di pił a venire! Check out li tutti fuori andando alla pagina HeatleyBros artista!
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Track Info
  • Track Number: 1023536
  • Caricato: 11/15/2012
  • Opere: 1625
  • Preferiti: 1
  • Download: 1
Cue Sheet Info
  • Writer: N/A
  • Writer PRO: N/A
  • % Share: N/A


Ya, you, win, yay, way to go, 3 2 1 go, 3, 2, 1, go, video, games, voices, prompts, voice, videogames, mario, go kart, congratulations, nice, job, nice job, trouble, Game, Girl, Guy, Announcer, Crowd, Cheer, Boo, Aw, Aww, hurray, Stadium, reporter, highscore

A proposito di AudioMicro

We are the worldā€™s largest micro stock music and sound effects collection. With over 225,000 royalty free music tracks and sound effects ready to be downloaded on demand, if itā€™s audio you need, weā€™ve got you covered. We license music and sound effects to media producers of all shapes and sizes. Our music ends up in a wide variety of productions from independent regional advertisements to full scale national campaigns. Our sound effects can be heard in everything from Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2 to your friendsā€™ recent YouTube video.

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Come possono essere utilizzati questi file?

Le tracce AudioMicro possono essere usate in film, TV, radio, videogiochi, app iphone, siti, podcast, social media, eCard, animazioni, powerpoint, demo, suonerie, video aziendali e privati, musica d'attesa e altro ancora.

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