Descrizione: Di guida, dei bassi intensi e pesanti guidati sottolineatura. Grande strumento di produzione per gli sport estremi, l'azione in rapido movimento e documentario. Caratteristiche basso pesante, percussioni e FX. Main mix, 60, 30 e 09sec versioni

Descrizione: Dramatic, proud and patriotic underscore. Home-coming for a hero of the people or a great occasion. Features large orchestral brass section, pounding cinematic drums, and powerful strings. Perfect for drama, action and adventure, cinema, also radio and television commercials. Various Mixes

Descrizione: Action fairytale adventure, with a hint of the Emerald Isles. Soaring over gently rolling hills until suddenly the land dramatically drops away over the edge of a cliff with the roaring waves below. Opens with tin whistle and voice and gradually builds and expands with cinematic drums and strings. 60sec and 30sec various mixes

Descrizione: Proud, uplifting and inspirational. Big dramatic theme for those good Samaritans and local heroes in life who just get the job done and make your chest swell with pride and humility. Features full orchestra, building from quiet beginnings, swelling to a big epic crescendo double at the end. 60sec, 30sec and sting

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