Descrizione: Sound of: indoor rain rumble under roof. Usable as: foley. Distance: mid. Acoustic: indoor

Descrizione: Sound of: heavy rain near window indoor. Usable as: foley. Distance: mid close. Acoustic: indoor

Descrizione: Sound of: suburb drencher rain ambience. Usable as: foley. Distance: mid. Acoustic: field

Descrizione: Sound of: indoor rain ambience from apartment - looping. Usable as: foley. Distance: mid. Acoustic: indoor

Descrizione: Sound of weather: intensive rain loop. Usable as: foley, film, game. Distance: mid. Acoustic: field

Descrizione: Sound of weather: rain under tent. Usable as: foley, film, game. Distance: mid. Acoustic: field

Descrizione: Sound of: thin hail and thick rain under a roof. Usable as: foley. Distance: mid close. Acoustic: indoor

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