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Descrizione: Beautiful, slowly drifting, floaty vista. Wondrously warm atmosphere with acoustic guitar and panpipe figures. Creates a wonderfully rich relaxing soundscape depicting views of a tropical rain forest or underwater vista. Perfect for nature documentary or relaxation. Main and 30sec

Descrizione: Bright, light-hearted and warm theme for children with strong logo. Playful summer days, blue skies, fluffy white clouds in golden meadows. Ideal for childrens theme, TV music, adverts and commercials for childrens products or healthy products and foods. With commercial legth cuts and underscores

Descrizione: Laid-back and relaxing, Lounge Jazz. For a cool and sophisticated atmosphere, a dimly lit smokey lounge bar, dressed for dinner, sipping a cocktail with a cigarette holder in one hand. Features a grand piano, double bass and brush drum kit. Perfect for commercials, drama and documentary. 60sec and 30sec, full and piano only mixes

Descrizione: Solomn e grave sottolineatura orchestrale. Oggetto gigantesco in movimento lento, documentario storico o drammatica catastrofe naturale. Vari tagli e si mescola disponibili

Descrizione: Drammatica, intrigante, forte e tema stile Edgy urbano con riff di basso a fette, il piombo e synth fx elettronici. Grande per un'indagine penale, documentario, interesse umano. Main mix, u / punteggio, 30sec e logo versioni

Descrizione: Late Night, laid back, sleazy style Jazz. Smokey bar-rooms, ladies of the night, atmospheric and maybe a little sexy. Features saxophone, double bass, electric piano and brush drum kit. Perfect for scene setting, radio and TV commercials, also film

Descrizione: Late Night, laid back, sleazy style Jazz. Smokey bar-rooms, ladies of the night, atmospheric and maybe a little sexy. Features saxophone, double bass, electric piano and brush drum kit. Perfect for scene setting, radio and TV commercials, also film

Descrizione: Giornate estive pigro, farfalle svolazzare di fiore in fiore, si ottiene l'idea. Luce pastorale e natura, perfetto per il documentario. Principale mix, 30 e 60 sec versioni.

Descrizione: Light and mellow, yet positive and uplifting rolling travelogue style theme. Features finger picked acoustics guitars, piano, pads and bells. Great for Background, Aircraft, Waiting rooms, Informercials, Telephone on-hold systems etc., Main mix, underscore, 60, 30 version

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